Code, lies, and blargles.

Some words by Sam Salisbury

Migrating to OS X—Review

This Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion review is part 2 of a series on migrating from Windows to Mac.

About 6 months ago I (a .NET developer) took over maintenance of an iOS app. This meant I needed to use a Mac, for the first time in 20 years. In order to avoid maintaining 2 separate workstations, I also switched to using OS X as my primary operating system, with Windows in a VM to continue my .NET work. Here’s my take on making the switch…

The transition from Microsoft Windows 8 to Mac OS X was not as clear-cut advantageous as the transition from Dell to Apple hardware was. There are some quite strange things for a Windows user to get used to in OS X. However, 6 months into this experiment, and I really don’t think I’ll ever go back to a pure Windows environment.

Migrating to MacBook—Review

This MacBook Pro with Retina Display review is part 1 of a series on migrating from Windows to Mac.

Six months ago, I was lucky enough to take over development of an iOS App. This meant I needed a Mac. I was a die-hard .NET developer, using Dell/Windows machines almost exclusively for the past 20 years. In short, I had pretty much no idea what to expect. I wasn’t convinced this would be a good idea… How can a developer, a Microsoft developer, live with a strange keyboard, an unfamiliar OS, shiny skeuomorphic apps, and, did I mention, a strange keyboard?! It wasn’t half as bad as I expected…

Hello, Blog.

Over the past few years, I’ve made copious notes on coding, software delivery, agile practices, and other nerdy exciting things. Most of these are locked up in private notes, in emails, or just rattling around my brain, and serving no useful purpose to anyone.

Now I find myself in the middle of a break in between jobs—a very rare two weeks off work, at home in London. I’ve done all the household chores imaginable, I’ve attended Battle Hack, I’ve been to visit family, I’ve finally set up RaspBMC and installed OpenVPN on my Raspberry Pi. I’ve started to get involved with RapidFTR development. I’ve been occasionally contributing to some projects on GitHub. I still have a lot of free time. I can’t put it off any longer. Welcome, world, to some extra informational pollution, and maybe the odd interesting thing. Courtesy of yours truly.